§ To maintain all facility systems in good conditions, including but not limited to the Clean Room, Purified Water system, chilled water system, air compressor, electrical system, etc; e nsure all utility systems are ready to operate at optimum level always. 维持设备部所管理的所有系统能够运行良好,包括但不限于洁净室、纯化水系统、冷冻水系统、压缩空气系统、配电系统,确保所有的公用系统一致运行在最优的状态。
§ To maintain all buildings, to make sure that they are under well conditions under the guide of his/her direct supervisor. Building shall include but not limited to the following: inner wall, ceiling, out wall, furniture, etc. He/she might need to use all kinds of painting, detergent during this process. 根据直接主管的指导维持所有的建筑设施能够保持好的工况,建筑设施包含内部墙、外部墙、家具等。为了保持良好,可能需要油漆和清洁。
§ Execute a PM and work order in compliance with J&J and Chinese policies in conjunction with department goal. 执行与强生、法规和部门目标相一致的预防性维护工单。
§ Provide guide to small group of the technician group, make sure the issues have been reviewed, and the first step actions have been taken looking for workable solutions; provide guide to other facility staff if necessary. 为部门提供自己的指导意见,确保问题已被检查,并且为了找到可能的解决方法已经采取第一步行动,尽可能的发表自己的意见帮助其他员工。
§ To maintain all pipe system within JJMSZ under well conditions under the guide of his/her direct supervisor. This job includes to maintain the good status of thermal protection, and to label them according to J&J and local regulations. 保持在苏州强生范围的所有管道系统在好的工况之下,包括热保护(保温)和标签,需符合强生和当地法规的标准。
§ To maintain all furniture within JJMSZ. He/she need to use some special tools to maintain them in good conditions and be responsible for pass information to his/her direct supervisor for setting up annual PM plan. 保持在苏州强生范围的所有家具在好的工况之下,需要使用一些特殊的工具,并且负责告知直接主管去设定年度的预防性维护计划。
§ To maintain the good 5S conditions for all machinery, include but not limited to production equipment, utility equipment, etc. 维持所有设备的 5S 管理,包括但不仅限于生产设备和公用设备。
§ To conduct maintenance for other equipment, point by his/her direct supervisor. 根据直接主管的要求进行其他设备的维护工作。
§ Ensure all plant operations compliance with defined EHS policies; strictly follow J&J and local EHS regulations anytime when he/she performs tasks mentioned above; e nsure all procedures and records are used within all compliance needs; p roposes, develops and participates in programs to improve H&S and Environment performance. 确保所有的操作工行为能够符合 EHS 的要求,在任何时间开展工作时必须严格执行强生和当地法规的要求。确保所有的程序文件和记录符合法规要求,同时参加到 EHS 的提高活动中。
§ Maintain good 5S situation for both facility spare parts and relevant equipment. 维持设备备品备件的 5S 管理。
§ Be responsible for equipment re-layouts, changes, and movement. 负责设备的重新布局,变更和移动工作。
§ Work with colleagues to ensure there is a successful outcome to all technical audits. 和同事们一起确保所有技术方面的审计结果较好。
§ Identify cost and efficiency improvements across the site. 识别整个公司成本和效率方面的提高内容。
§ In partnership with the Quality department, participate to the development of the quality system and its day-to-day implementation. 作为质量部门的伙伴,参与质量系统的升级以及日常的实施工作。
§ Take part in some activities related MDD facility support if necessary. 参与其他医疗器材工厂支持的工作。
§ Perform all job duties in fully accordance with: The J&J policies on Information, Assets protection, maintain password(s) confidential, protect critical Business Information; All J&J policies and local regulations; the policies of the Health Care and Environmental programs; The code of conduct policies. 执行所有工作的过程中需要遵守所有强生和本地法规规定的信息政策、资产保护、密码保密、关键商业信息保护、 EHS 要求等。
§ Other assignments from his/her direct supervisor. 直接主管安排的其他工作。
§ Mechanical and electrical knowledge/ 机电知识
§ Pneumatic and hydraulic application technology/ 气动和液压技能
§ Drawing understanding and mechanical parts designing/ 绘图技能, 以及基本的机械部件设计能力
§ Junior College degree or above in mechanical-electrical engineering/ 大专或机电一体化专业
§ 2-3 years Experience in maintenance and repair area /2~3 年维护经验
§ Familiar with HVAC, BMS, power supply, water treatment, steam, gas, plumbing/ 熟悉 HVAC, BMS, 供电系统, 水处理系统, 蒸汽, 燃气, 管道系统
§ Familiarity with ISO 14001 & OHSAS18000, EPA regulations and national electric code/ 熟悉环境和安全体系, 熟悉相关环保要求以及国家电力系统的基本要求